Monday, January 17

OMG..... I'M Back

I am back and the news is good.
I have maintained my weight!
Gained a few from Turkey Day to New Years but lost it!
NOW.... I am going to FINALLY add the workout.
I know, I know I have mentioned (hum, um) before that I was going to work out.
Well. I am. I have and I like it.
I have more energy and am WAY nicer.
Family likes that.
My goal is a 5K in this Spring.
Going to a Runmotavited Info Class next Tues. I will let you all know how this goes.
IF they do what they say they can do then I will go from no real movement other than chasing Jack thru Target to running in 6 weeks. PERFECT.
Why you ask.
In 7 WEEKS it will have been 1 year since I started my journey to find ME.
The healthy, happy ME.
My Birthday.
It's all about me!


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I need all the suppost I can get!! Your comments mean so much to me! I hope to respond to all of them via email or on the post. Thanks so much for popping by!!