Thursday, March 11

Day 4

 I had a HUGE SUCCESS today actually 2!
First, I was a SUPER WIFE and went to Bojangles for Hubs and got his lunch complete with sweet tea and did not have a breakdown!
Second was I went to Bunko which I almost didn't go (as I was worried that I was so tired and my will power was fading). Elizabeth had made all sorts yummy looking homemade Mexican food that I was totally fine with NOT eating! I had let her know prior to going that I was not going to be eating dinner since I was on a new journey to a better me! I think this helped a lot! I also think that the fact that I have told everyone what I am doing that it holds me accountable. If all your friends and family know what your doing then there is less chance you will stray.
 Don't get me wrong I wanted to try everything.
I didn't.


Unknown said...

I'm coming over from Friday Follow.....good luck on your weight loss.

I'm 39...3 babies in the last three years and just getting back into shape. Harder as we get older huh?


bensmommy said...

I can't tell you how proud I am of you! Not for wanting to just lose weight but to be more healthy for you...nobody else but you! I think as women we all have to have this defining moment to take charge and do something for us...we are all caretakers and now it is time to take care of yourself! You rock!!!

dustinnikki said...

Hi, Happy Follow Friday! I'm yuor newest follower!


:: ashley :: said...

hey! you were the first blog I saw on the list that had something related to what I blog about, I hope we can be blog buddies!
love your blog found via follow fridays, follow me back~

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